Typologi: Utstillingsarkitektur Sted: Dikemark, Norge År: 2016 Oppdragsgiver: Asker kommune Samarbeidspartnere: Anastasia Glukhova, arkitekt
Typology: Exhibition Location: Dikemark, Norway Year: 2016 Commissioner: Asker Municipality Collaborators: Anastasia Glukhova, architect
"The most beautiful room in the entire Lien building during the exhibition - where the architects presented the project Kaleidoscope."
Strings Attached is a woollen installation and an exhibition design in the Lien building at Dikemark in Asker, Norway. The exhibition was a part of the art festival Kunst Rett Vest 10 years anniversary exhibition in September 2016.
Strings Attached is a framework for the exhibition of the Dikemark area. In addition, the room as a whole functions as an interactive participatory platform for gathering ideas for the future development of the area. At the end of the exhibition period, the walls of the room were covered in hundreds of postcards with input which will be part of the planning process further.
The beautiful photograps of the installation are taken by Helge Garke.