It's time for a short retrospective of our year with Uusi Kaupunki collective and a sneak peak to future too! During 2015, our participatory urban design collective has grown with six new and skilled architecture offices, Kaleidoscope being one of them, and started a collaboration with Collaplan. Uusi Kaupunki has developed new models and tools for participatory design together with some of the clients, and held workshops in Vallisaari, Jyväskylä, Hyvinkää, Malmi, Jakomäki, Kangasala and last but not least, the first workshop abroad in Tallinn, Estonia. Currently, Uusi Kaupunki consists of 12 young award-winning Finnish offices, and several of the offices are continuing work with commissions from the workshops. In 2016 we in Kaleidoscope and Uusi Kaupunki look forward to taking our skills even further to serve new and old clients and partners with expertise on participatory urbanism. If you are fluent in Finnish, you can take a look at the Uusi Kaupunki newsletter for more detailed news!