Typologi: Brukermedvirkning, identitetsbygging Sted: Vallisaari, Finland År: 2015 Oppdragsgiver: Helsinki by Samarbeidspartnere: Inari Virkkala, Jussi Vuori, Erica Österlund (Uusi Kaupunki)
Typology: Participatory process, Identity building Location: Vallisaari, Finland Year: 2015 Commissioner: City of Helsinki Collaborators: Inari Virkkala, Jussi Vuori, Erica Österlund (Uusi Kaupunki)
In 2016, the Vallisaari military island was opened for the public for the first time in it's history. Held in advance of the opening, the goal of the workshop was to reflect on its future identity and possibilities. The participants got to know the island's varied landscapes and historically layered built environments, ideating creative uses of the existing buildings and new culture of activity.
The workshop was organised by Helsinki Design Week and Design Driven City accompanied by Parks & Wildlife Finland and Helsinki UNESCO City of Design, in collaboration with Uusi Kaupunki. Photography by Kalle Kataila.