Typologi: Masterplan, Masteroppgave Sted: Luanda, Angola År: 2011 Studiested: Bergen Arkitekthøgskole Team: Silje Klepsvik og Stine Bjar
Typology: Master plan, Master Thesis Location: Luanda, Angola Year: 2011 Educational institution: Bergen School of Architecture Team: Silje Klepsvik og Stine Bjar
Capturing What's There investigates the role of infrastructure in creating a foundation for democratic access to urban advantages and basic needs for Luanda's residents. With Viana as case study, the project addresses infrastructure as a spatial organiser framing the urban Angolan life and facilitating interactive civic spaces. Infrastructure can be understood as an urban ecology, embodying the natural and social cycles of the city. Capturing What's There has been awarded as Participants' Favourite at Archiprix International in Moscow 2013 as well as Master's Thesis with distinction.